Thursday, October 04, 2007

I've given up on this blog

My drinking new beers severely outweighs the amount of adjectives I have to describe them. Let alone the patience it takes to take pictures and write about them. Therefore I will continue this maybe when I retire...
Stay tuned...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dai Viet -

Nice tasting lager. I'd drink it again. Although pretty much a light beer.
Lager 4.3%

Dalat beer - Local micro brew...

These pictures were about as focused as my own vision at the time....
This beer is more of a story. I decided to sit at a local bar and by these a couple of these litre bottles at 6000d each(~33c US). 2 turned into many when I got into lengthy mime conversations with local drunks "Huh!" and "Wha?". Yes that was there names. They bought me beers and I bought them beers and we were one big happy bunch by the end of the night. Specially when they drove me home on their motorbike... yeh drinking and driving!
The funny part was they didn't speak english and I had no clue what they were saying...
Still it was an ok beer, definitely good for the price. Not the cleanest of tastes thouugh.
Lager, 4.3%

Nguyen Du Brauhof - Some bar in Dalat-Vietnam

Interesting Dark Ale. Tasty, but couldn't drink much of them in a row. Still only cost me 16000(1US) for a pint in Dalat.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hanoi beer-

This claims to be the beer of choice of Hanoi. Still its not sold as much here as Saigon beer interestingly enough. Also it is definitely not what the locals drink. They just go to the mini-brews around town, or they drink Saigon.
I've had so many lagers of late that I really don't have anymore adjectives for them. This one again is middle pack, drinkable, particularly on a hot day, but not good for getting innebriated. Still it tasted alright and I'd get it again in a pinch.
Lager 3.8%

Luda -

Seems to be the local staple in Hue, Vietnam. Moreso than a beer called Hue anyway. Another lager on the long list. Cheap and not bad, fitting in as a not spectacular nor garbage beer. DOn't know what else I can say.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

333 Export

Interesting brew. A little better than Saigon and much better than 33. Seems to be another staple in Vietnam.
Lager 5.2%

Saigon beer -

This seems to be the staple goto beer in south Vietnam. It looks semi respectable as you open it, but that about where it stops. Not very good, not very refreshing. I've tried it a couple of times more only because in some places its all they serve. Its bearable and reasonably priced, I guess thats good
Lager 5%

Monday, June 19, 2006

33 - Brewed in some chicks garage

Interestiiinngg. Not the best tasting beer, but at 7000dong(<50c) for a litre and a half I'd probably go back. The obviously make it on the spot in a big urn and serve it right out of it. Couldn't get it much colder than room temperature. Probably why they serve it with ice cubes. Still it was an ok temp without the ice cubes. Woke up with a bit of a hangover the next day...
5%(I think)

BGI - Brewed by Fosters

Wow, this beer I really like. Total surprise, it came in a dingy bottle and was the cheapest beer on the menu. Maybe an indication that I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to beer, or it goes to show that price does not always follow with taste (although I think I've shown this with tiger already).
Great beer. Whats weird is its brewed and bottled by Fosters yet has the Beer Lao symbol (LBC). Don't know what that means.
Still really good.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Black Panther - Cambrew Brewing Co.

First Stout on the list. Not bad. 8%alc, also not bad. It was a nice buzz afterward.
I don't have too much reference, but its a little more bitter than Guinness. Its a good drink as a single. I wouldn't drink too many in a row though.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Chang Beer

Thailands official beer. I like Chang. Not so much for the taste, but like a good friend, it always seems to be there when you need it. You can find this beer elsewhere and relatively cheap getting a big cold bottle in the most remotest of Thailand villages.
It again is a mediocre tasting beer with a forgettable name, still I have an attachment to it I can’t describe.
Later 5%

Gold Crown Beer – Cambodia Brewing Company

This is a hard beer to find. I could only find it in one store actually. Still it’s the best beer I have had since Beer Lao. It says on the can “brewed to international standards”, whatever that means, but whatever they did, they did good. Its clean and very refreshing. Way to go Cambodia Brewing Company!
Lager 5%

Bayon Beer

Another Cambodian beer that seems to have taken its name from the Temples in Angkor. Not a bad idea but I think I would have chosen a temple that stunk less. Poor temple choice aside, the beer ain’t bad, it just ain’t good. It kinda reminds me of Lakeport in Canada, in has a hard bite that doesn’t go down too smooth. Still way better than tiger.

Tiger Beer

This is Singapores national beer. And they’re proud of it. Don’t know why, its crap. It’s probably because they’re told its best on TV and naturally when you don’t have an opinion of your own… I don’t want to start on the Singaporeans…
The fact remains Tiger is Crap. Its marketed and sold on the same level as Carlsberg and Heineken and should not be. Its my last choice of the 3 and probably my last choice of most of the beers I’ve drunk in my life.
Sorry boys but you need to DRINK beer regularly before you go ahead and try and brew an internationally great beer.
And Singapore, lower your beer tax.

Anchor Beer, Tiger Beer, Bayon Beer, Chang Beer, Gold Crown Beer

Anchor Beer
I don’t really know the history behind the two, but it seems to be the knock-off of Angkor beer. Taste wise I’d say its second rate as well although it seems to be drunk more often than Angkor. It seems to be better advertised which may explain why its most expats beer of choice. Unfortunately they could be doing way better.
Lager 5%